Sunday 11 December 2011

Rrrraspberry Crrrreme Crrrrrush aka Raspberrry Meringue Trifle

I had to come up with a kid friendly summer dessert so decided to invent a triffly-like pudding (everyone like trifle right?) with meringue and raspberry. 

Was pretty happy with the result and let Jack and Mali have naming rights. They collectively settled on 'Raspberry Creme Crush' with rolled 'rrrr's' of course.  They gave this creation 11/10 in Masterchef rating style.

Jelly layer - bottom of bowl
2 x pkts raspberry jelly made up with 2/3 amount water
1 1/2 cups raspberries added

Set in fridge

Creme layers
2 x pkts Weight watchers strawberry pudding - made to instructions
250 ml thickened cream with 1 tbs icing sugar - whipped to soft peaks
1 1/2 cups raspberries

1. Make up pudding to instructions and add to top of set jelly
2. Top with raspberries
3. Top with whipped cream

Meringue layer
I went back to my 'Cookery the Australian Way' bible for the meringue recipe, but the following is fine:

2 egg whites
pinch salt
pinch creme of tartar
1/2 cup caster sugar
Couple drops red/pink food colouring

1. Beat egg whites with salt and tartar still peaks form
2. Gradually beat in sugar until thick and glossy
3. Beat in food colouring for a pale pink meringue
4. Put spoonfuls of mixture on a lined baking tray and bake at 120 degrees C for 2 hours (then leave in turned off oven for a few hours until dry)
5. Crumble meringues over trifle.
6. Refridgerate until needed - Voila

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